Saturday, October 9, 2010


The prodigious Ricardo Fasanello (1930 – 1993) was known to have built sailboats at the age of 14 and lofts at the age of 18. When he later opened his atelier in Santa Tereza, Rio de Janeiro, the studio quickly developed into a sort of design laboratory for experimenting with a wide range of materials. Steel, glass, resin, fiberglass, leather and wood were all explored to make beautiful and functional objects. The designer was inspired by mathematical shapes of curves, circles and spheres, which recalled his penchant for automobiles and speed.

The daring sofa “Fardos” was his first international success, comprised of three huge rolls in suede and bound by canvas bands. This piece was featured at the Equipment Exposition held first in Paris and then in Berlin, in 1971. The reward for his avant-garde, courageous work came in 1975, when Fasanello was invited to execute the interior design of the new building of one of the largest newspapers in Brazil, “O Estado de São Paulo”. *

* Excerpt biography from


images: (click on images to enlarge)
Gaivota armchair (top)
Anel chair (2nd)
Fardos sofa (3rd)
Revolving Esfera armchair (4th)
Hipopatamo armchair (bottom)


  1. This is exactly what I expect to see when I think of furniture with a modern design. I especially love the desk set, elegant yet simple.

  2. I love all these designs and want to have few of them in my home. Going to keep these pictures with me and will look for them here. Thanks for sharing it with us

  3. really nice furniture and the interior looks awesome to me, I was thinking to purchase furniture for my office, now I will select the design from this blog.

  4. Ricardo Fasanello nasceu em São Paulo em 1930 e faleceu no Rio de Janeiro em 1993. Começou a demonstrar seu talento desde cedo, projetando e construindo um veleiro aos 14 anos e, com 18 anos de idade, construindo pequenos apartamentos (lofts) projetados por ele próprio. Liderando um grupo de artesãos e artistas, ele abriu seu próprio estúdio no Rio de Janeiro, no inspirador e boêmio bairro de Santa Teresa, iniciando assim sua carreira como creator de móveis. Sua longa e atribulada experiência contribuiu para desenvolver suas habilidades pioneiras, fazendo da sua loja de móveis um verdadeiro laboratório de plan." Modern Fixed Dining Tables"
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